Purchase Management module for Perfex CRM Free Download

Purchase Management Module is an automated system designed to streamline the entire procurement cycle for companies and buyers. It facilitates every step from creating a purchase requisition document to receiving ordered goods and making payments. This advanced process encompasses key stages such as budget estimation, spend management, contract administration, and supplier control, ensuring full oversight of purchase orders.

Additionally, this module supports the creation of electronic purchase orders, digital inventory management, and real-time tracking of goods and services. It is a vital tool for optimizing stock levels and determining the appropriate products and quantities to purchase.

Module Features of Purchase Management Module for Perfex CRM

  1. Product/Service Management : Inheriting from the items of Perfex CRM, this feature adds many other extended attributes such as product code, SKU, purchase price, sub-group, images,…
  2. Bulk Import Products
  3. Vendor/Supplier:
    • Supplier Management
    • Supplier Mass Import
    • Supplier Contact Management
    • Supplier Product/Service Management
    • Supplier Return Policy Management
  4. Purchase Request Management
  5. Supplier Quotation Management
  6. Compare Quotes from Suppliers
  7. Purchase Order Management
  8. Supplier Contract Management
  9. Debit Notes Management
  10. Supplier Invoices Management
  11. Payment Management
  12. Returns Purchase Order Management
  13. Reports:
    • Cost of import goods for each item
    • Purchase Order Report
    • Purchase Invoices Report
    • Statistics by number of purchase orders
    • Statistics by cost
  14. Settings:
    • General Settings
    • Purchasing Options
    • Units Management
    • Product/Service Group Management
    • Product/Service Sub Group Management
    • Supplier Category
    • Approval Process Management
    • Permission Management
    • Return PO Settings
    • Currency Rates Management
  15. Vendor/Supplier Portal:
    • Login/Register
    • Company Profile
    • Product/Service Management
    • Add/Share Products
    • Purchase Request Management
    • Quotation Management
    • Contract Management
    • Purchase Order Management
    • Invoice Management
    • Return Orders Management
  16. Integration:

Product Link of Purchase Management Module for Perfex CRM



Purchase Management Demo

Purchase Management Module for Perfex CRM Tutorial


Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.

Download Purchase Management Module for Perfex CRM Link





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